Nordisk Barnehageforskning (Oct 2015)
Kvalitet i læring i barnehagen. En analyse av styringsdokumenter fra OECD og Norge
The purpose of this article is to provide representations of and to compare meanings attributed to the concept of learning in Early Childhood Education and Care policy. More concrete, the article provides a comparison between documents from Norway and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD. The comparison is based on the OECD- report Quality Matters in Early Childhood Education and Care. Norway (Taguma et al. 2013), and White Paper no. 24 (2012-2013) The Future of Early Childhood Education and Care. Neither the OECD-report nor the Norwegian White Paper has any legal levers to influence Norway, but the documents advise a national agenda, described as “soft governance”. The analysis is made on the basis of Bernstein’s code theory and his concept of classification. I denne artikkelen gjøres det en sammenligning mellom styringsdokumenter for barnehagen fra henholdsvis Norge og OECD. Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i OECD-rapporten Quality Matters in Early Childhood Education and Care. Norway. (Taguma m.fl., 2013) og 24 (2012-2013) Framtidens barnehage. Dette er ikke lovregulerende eller rådgivende dokumenter, men kan sies å ha stor påvirkningskraft ved å styre gjennom begrepsbruk, noe som omtales som “soft governance”. Hensikten med sammenligningen er å analysere hva slags betydninger læringsbegrepet tillegges i de ulike dokumentene. Analysene er gjort med utgangspunkt i Bernsteins kodeteori.