Zeszyty Naukowe PTE w Zielonej Górze (Mar 2021)
Fundusze strukturalne i inwestycyjne Unii Europejskiej jako narzędzie rozwoju podlaskich mikroprzedsiębiorstw
Micro-enterprises, which constitute the largest group of entities operating on local markets, are constantly facing many challenges, which include, among others, achieving and maintaining competitiveness and efficiency, using the opportunities offered by new technologies. What is more they need to operate in a constantly changing environment, especially nowadays during the new pandemic reality. The functioning of microenvironments depends to a large extent on belonging to the European Union, as a very significant area of the economic strategy of the EU countries is the creation as assistance in the growth of entrepreneurship in individual national economies. The EU offers a number of different financial resources for people who want to set up or develop a business. The main purpose of this paper was to formulate recommendations on the use of EU structural and investment funds in the development of Podlasie micro-enterprises. The paper consists, apart from the introduction, of four meritorical parts and the conclusion. The method of studying the literature on the subject and other secondary sources as well as the survey method were used to achieve the goals and verify the hypotheses. The research was carried out on a sample of one hundred microentrepreneurs and was a pilot nature.