Paedagogia Christiana (Oct 2011)
Nature as a Place to Meet God
The author of the article draws the reader’s attention to the components of thenatural world, which let us discover the existence of God the Creator. Beauty issuggested to be the most important of these components. Beauty resides in theperfection of the object observed, its proportions and harmony, variety and order,glamour, grace, majesty and grandeur. Unfolding the mystery of life itself is alsoconducive to the recognition of God, especially in the silence of nature and beingsurrounded by the scents it exudes. However, the very contact with nature is notenough to encounter God. The author of the article contemplates the ways of educatingpeople which may facilitate their discovery of God in nature. It is necessary to teachman how to contemplate the surrounding world. Careful observation, concentrationon the object, calming down, leaving the hustle and bustle behind are indispensableto learn this, as well as the ability to describe your own feelings and the rejectionof the utilitarian attitude to the world. The author makes reference to biblical texts,thoughts presented in papal speeches and private observations.