Teras Jurnal: Jurnal Teknik Sipil (Apr 2019)
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuik memberikan gambaran tentang spesifikasi, bentuk, dimensi dan konfigurasi struktur dinding pelindung tanah dengan metode kaki belalang serta metode pelaksanaannya di lapangan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian terpakai dan penelitian ini sekaligus sebagai technical notes success story aplikasi struktur pelindung lereng dengan metode kaki belalang tiruan pada pembangunan reservoir pengendali banjir di kota Balikpapan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, metode kerja pemasangan struktur dinding pelindung lereng dengan metode kaki belalang tiruan dapat diaplikasikan dengan baik dan aman tanpa terjadi incident. Stabilitas dinding penahan lereng ini terletak pada penggunaan pondasi jenis paku dibagian bawah, pasangan tapak-tapak penumpu dinding pelindung lereng, ground anchor dan pasangan saluran drainase. Kata kunci: dinding pelindung lereng, kaki belalang, three point contact. Abstract The research objective is to provide an overview of the specifications, shape, dimensions and configuration of the structure of the protective walls of the land with the method of grasshopper and its method of implementation in the field. This research method used the used research method and this study as well as a technical notes success story application of slope protective structures with artificial grasshopper foot method in the construction of flood control reservoirs in the city of Balikpapan. The results showed that the working method of the installation of a slope protective wall structure with artificial grasshopper foot method can be applied properly and safely without incident. The stability of the slope retaining wall lies in the use of nail type foundations at the bottom, pairs of tread supporting walls, ground anchors and pair of drainage channels. Keywords: protective slope walls, grasshopper feet, three point contact.