Innoeduca (Jun 2020)
Educommunication in digital environments: an interaction´s perspective inside and beyond the classroom
In a highly interconnected and technology-mediated world, the way in which education is recognized as a communicative phenomenon is highly relevant to understand its development and future possibilities. In this text, educommunication is analyzed from the point of view of interactions that occur in different digital learning environments, especially in ICT-enhanced classrooms, blended learning, e-learning, mobile learning and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). This analysis was conducted from a systematic literature review of 240 papers that describe research generated on these topics, during the last 20 years. The results show that beyond the importance of interaction for the development of educational practices, different digital environments involve different ways of conceiving and deploying interaction processes, inside and outside the classroom. This implies the imperative need to adjust the current processes of teacher training in such a way that teachers can understand these differences and recognize both their theoretical and practical implication.