Journal of Advances in Medical Education and Professionalism (Jul 2019)
A practical approach for successful small group teaching in medical schools with student centered curricula
There has been a paradigm shift in the teaching strategies fromdidactic or teacher-centered to more vibrant student centeredapproaches. For the last five decades, small group teaching(SGT) has been a hallmark of this reorientation of educationalstrategies especially in medical schools, which use problem-basedlearning as a core educational tool. The key strength of SGT isthe continuous and active participation by learners which fosterslifelong learning skills. SGT has had a profound influence onthe motivation levels of students, self-confidence, self-directedlearning and fabric of teamwork. The role of the tutor as a facilitatorrather than knowledge provider is of paramount importance inthis process. However, there are challenges that ensue as a resultof heterogeneous teaching skills and attitudes of faculty membersfrom diverse backgrounds. Some of the tutors from traditionalbackgrounds find it difficult to adjust to switching roles from aconventional teacher to a facilitator and inadvertently defeat thevery philosophy of student-centered SGT. This article has beencomposed with this background in mind and ten general basic andpractical guidelines are offered which are expected to be usefulfor the successful transition from a traditional teacher to a SGTfacilitator.