Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) (Jun 2020)
Magnetohydrodynamic flow of dusty fluid over Riga plate with deforming isothermal surfaces with convective boundary condition
The present study investigates the flow problem of MHD viscous two-phase dusty flow and heat transfer over a permeable stretching isothermal Riga plate embedded in a porous medium in the presence of convective boundary condition. The wall boundary is subjected to a linear deformation as well as to a quadratic surface temperature. The governing partial differential equations are transformed into ordinary differential equations using similarity variables, which are solved by numerically using fourth order Runge-Kutta method with shooting technique. The impact of various pertinent parameters for the velocity and temperature fields are profiles are analyzed in detail through graphs. Also, friction factor and Nusselt numbers are discussed and presented through tables. The output reveals that higher values of permeability decelerate the velocity and accelerate the temperature profile of both phases and it is noted that the velocity phase is always larger than the dust phase.