Digital Zone: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (Nov 2018)
Sistem Pelayanan Dan Monitoring Pengisian LPG Berbasis Mobile Pada PT. XYZ
Agen menjadi mata rantai pendistribusian Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) ke toko, warung atau pengecer. Mereka harus mengikuti prosedur sebelum akhirnya diterima menjadi agen. Calon agen harus datang langsung ke Stasiun Pengisian dan Pengangkutan Bulk Elpiji (SPPBE) untuk melengkapi administratif. Setelah verifikasi data, maka petugas akan melakukan survey ke lokasi usaha untuk menilai kelayakan tempat, sarana dan prasarana calon agen baru. Proses monitoring pemesanan gas oleh petugas SPPBE juga dilakukan dengan cara manual.. Sehingga masyarakat bisa mendaftar menjadi agen melalui perangkat mobile yang dimiliki. Proses pemesanan gas di SPPBE juga menjadi lebih mudah karena bisa dilakukan melalui sistem. Sementara itu bagi petugas SPPBE, sistem ini mempermudah proses pencarian lokasi usaha calon agen pada saat akan melakukan survey. Pasalnya sistem dilengkapi dengan fitur Location Based Service (LBS) untuk penandaan titik lokasi calon agen. Selain itu, sistem juga mempermudah petugas dalam proses monitoring pemesanan gas serta mempermudah petugas SPPBE dalam proses validasi pengambilan gas oleh agen. Kata Kunci: Agen, LPG, Monitoring, Pelayanan, Mobile Abstract The agent becomes the chain of distribution of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) to shops, stalls or retailers. They must follow procedures before being accepted as agents. Prospective agents must come directly to the LPG Bulk Filling and Transporting Station (SPPBE) to complete the administration. After verification of the data, the officer will conduct a survey to the business location to assess the feasibility of the place, facilities and infrastructure of the prospective new agent. The process of monitoring gas orders by SPPBE officers is also done manually. . The process of ordering gas in SPPBE also becomes easier because it can be done through the system. Meanwhile for SPPBE officers, this system facilitates the process of searching for business locations of prospective agents when going to survey. The reason is the system is equipped with a Location Based Service (LBS) feature for marking the location points of prospective agents. In addition, the system also facilitates officers in the process of monitoring gas orders and facilitates SPPBE officers in the process of validating the gas collection by agents. Keywords: Agent, LPG, Monitoring, Service, Mobile