Territoire en Mouvement (Jun 2024)
Transformations agroécologiques dans une ville-patrimoine : la durabilité de l’agriculture urbaine au prisme du paysage
Given the difficulty of grasping the complexity and diversity of urban agriculture, this article focuses on two professional urban farms in fairly close geographical proximity. It proposes to explore the landscape fabric of these installations, combining morphological and functional analyses. The aim is to highlight the links between the landscape and socio-ecological characterisation of the phenomenon. The heritage-laden, highly protected urban context of Versailles, and the very different histories of the two farms, means that we can bear witness to the changes at work, and thus question the socio-ecological transformations through a landscape diagnosis. The results show that the food production systems are very similar, responding to functions that go far beyond food one, but which are conditioned by it. But what is created is also a certain homogenisation of garden forms, which raises aesthetic and ecological questions about those new urban landscapes.