Фінансово-кредитна діяльність: проблеми теорії та практики (Feb 2021)
Abstract. The article defines the role of the financial component of the communication management strategy in HEIs based on the construction of the algorithm for optimizing the distribution of costs for communication processes and the construction of the financial mechanism of communication management. Communication processes in HEIs have a number of specific features due to the fact that a large number of people and groups of people with different levels of education, level of intelligence, age, upbringing and interests take part in the communication process. That is, effective communication management of HEIs requires from the management of institutions to develop a management strategy that would satisfy the interests of all groups of communication process participants. It has been emphasized that the communication management strategy in HEIs should be developed for the long term taking into account the conditions of the changing external environment, and have the goal to continuously transmit information to employers, applicants, their parents, and the whole society in order to make the services of institutions attractive to the target audience and have feedback which would allow monitoring the quality of communication processes and have an economic effect from their implementation. It has been noted that one of the main components of the communication management strategy in HEIs is finance. An algorithm has been built to optimize the costs of managing communication in HEIs based on the use of the classical method of mathematical nonlinear programming problems optimization. A financial mechanism for managing communication in HEIs has been built, which is a system of measures aimed at achieving a certain level of communication processes management while maintaining a certain level of financial stability and independence. It has been concluded that the financial component of the communication management strategy in HEIs is one of its main elements, which allows constant increasing the level of institutions competitiveness and the quality of education as well as scientific and technical potential. Keywords: financial component, communication, management strategy, costs, algorithm, mechanism, higher education institutions. Formulas: 11; fig.: 2; tabl.:1; bibl.: 15.