Problemi Ekonomiki (Jan 2014)
Institutional aspects of state regulation of interrelations of subjects of the electric energy market
The article identifies tendencies of development of international electric energy markets. It marks out the role of well-organised functioning of the electric energy market for maintaining the energy security of the country under complex conditions of Ukrainian economy transformation under the influence of geopolitical changes, financial, economic and social factors. It justifies important role of the state in realisation of the regulating impact through mechanisms of institutional support of production, transportation and supply of electric energy; it focuses on imperfection of the existing system of institutes of this sphere, which determine harmonicity of the electric energy buy and sell process. Based on the system analysis of the institutional foundation, which reflects principles and essence of regulation of the electric energy market and interrelations of its subjects, the article generalises problems of the modern regulatory and legal base and realisation of strategic programmes of development in the context of formation of relations between the energy market participants, which would facilitate renovation of state regulation. The article marks out key directions of solution of topical issues of institutional support of activity of electric energy market participants, the most urgent of which are problems of the tariff policy, alternative energy development, financial discipline and technical state of fixed assets of the electric energy complex. The article puts in order the system of contractual relations of subjects of the electric energy market, which allows formation of the scientifically justified approaches in the direction of improvement of the organisational structure of the energy market and introduction of measures on increase of efficiency of regulating actions by the state.