Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie (Jan 2022)
Ojcostwo Józefa z Nazaretu w ujęciu papieża Franciszka
The analysis of the apostolic letter Patris corde allows us to notice the specificity of the theological image of St. Joseph. The document emphasizes his paternal role, putting in evidence his obedience, courage, creativity, acceptance, which are also a challenge for a contemporary Christian. In the face of the crisis that contemporary fatherhood is experiencing, Joseph appears as the model for Christians. The Pope emphasizes the activity of Joseph, while ignoring the contemplative dimension. The proposed image derives from the pope’s pastoral experience, thanks to which the emphasis was placed not so much on theological and dogmatic issues as on practical proposals for solving the problems faced by contemporary fathers. The figure of St. Joseph, shown in the letter, is active and dynamic. The aforementioned dynamics includes his entrustment to God, which, in the face of various events before which God presents him, deepens, requires greater commitment and growth dynamism.