Аутизм и нарушение развития (Jan 2022)

Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Alleviating of the Behavioral Difficulties of Adolescents with Severe Multiple Developmental and Behavioral Disorders

  • Y.S. Gnedenko,
  • O.V. Karanevskaya

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 3
pp. 65 – 79


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This article is relevant in the framework of the study educational training importance and the ability to communicate with adolescents with severe multiple developmental and behavioral disorders (SMDD) in adults working for inpa- tient social service institution (ISSI). The survey of communication and behavioral skills in adolescents with SMDD living in ISSI presented. The study involved 60 employees, 28 adolescents with SMDD, 20 parents of special children. Methods used: Communication Matrix, cyclogram «Review of the day», evaluation sheet «Table of interests». A spe- cific case of employee training and introduction of Augmentative and Alternative Communication techniques into an individual form of work with the student and the impact of these activities on improving her behavior demonstrated. The experimental data presented in this article can be used for work with ISSI to increase the communication skills available to students with SMDD. Also, the article includes the description of the work on improvement of the qual- ity of life of adolescents with SMDD that are in inpatient institutional care. It has been established that children and adolescents with SMDD living in the ISSI have persistent impairments in mastering skills, identifying their com- munication mechanisms.