S&F_scienzaefilosofia.it (Jun 2022)
AI e futuro di sapiens tra nuovi orizzonti e antichi timori
AI and future of sapiens between new horizons and ancient fears AI in its various forms and articulations represents a range of new opportunities and strategies that our species can use to improve its condition. Often the scenarios presented in association with AI speak of a humanity threatened by machines or, on the contrary, of a utopian future in which man and machine will be completely hybridised in a harmonious manner. In this interview, a moral philosopher, Professor Gianluca Giannini, and Antonio Pescapè, professor of computer engineering, will try, each from their own perspective, to answer some of the key questions emerging in the field of artificial intelligence, on the one hand avoiding sensationalist journalistic exaggerations, and on the other hand highlighting that the real challenge posed by intelligent machines lies in the new ways in which humans will narrate themselves and their possibilities of existence.