Marketing i Menedžment Innovacij (Mar 2013)

Innovations in liquidity management of credit institutions

  • L.E.Galjaeva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 1
pp. 209 – 217


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The aim of the article. Article purpose is search and justification of new approaches to management of credit organization liquidity, and stable sources of attraction of available funds allocated for formation and reliable clients borrowers, and also providing demanded level of bank assets profitability.The results of the analysis. In article requirements to management system of credit organization liquidity are formulated. Theyare:ability to make short-term control of liquidity credit organization in the conditions of marketss high volatility;ability to organize strategic management of credit organization liquidity by means of trendss identification in the markets of money and capital, and also an assessment of chances and risks of the most significant clients borrowers and creditors;ability to carry out coordination of liquidity management in the decentralized structures of the credit organization and to estimate the liquiditys integrated risk.In the course of research the main problems that need to be solved for implementation of the concept of the coordinated liquidity management are revealed. They are:to coordinate financial politicians and to conclude agreements in the field of working capital structure optimization of the enterprises that will allow bank to attract the unused potential of enterprises liquidity as resource base, and to the enterprise to receive cheaper in comparison with the market access to the credits;to develop transition road map from the traditional relations between bank and the enterprise: creditor-borrower, to the business and partner relations in the field of the liquidity coordinated management on the basis of business processes transfer on liquiditys management in the service centers of joint access;to improve system risk of banks management as a whole as traditional approaches to liquidity risks management in the credit organization which don't consider feature of processes of liquidity coordinated management;to develop system of controlling of bank liquiditys risks and to harmonize it with system of enterprises financial controlling.In article problems of risks controlling of short-term and structural bank liquidity are investigated and systematized. That allows to increase efficiency of realization of liquidity risks management processes in the conditions of high markets volatility and uncertainty of banks and the partner enterprises environment. High markets volatility and decrease in level of trust in the financial world and credit sphere, and also the recommendation of Basel committee about bank supervision, stimulate the credit organizations to develope modern systems of forecasting and management of liquidity risk.Implementation of the concept of the coordinated management by credit organizations liquidity and the enterprise will significantly increase stability of attraction base, and also will lower crediting expenses for the partner enterprise. Introduction of such innovation as creation of liquidity risks controlling system of credit organization will allow not only to increase quality of risk management, but also will provide desirable level of profitability for bank and the enterprise the partner.Conclusions and directions of further researches. Introduction of the offered innovations demands a big preparatory work in the sphere of improvement of planned and registration and control activity, and also in preparation of banks managers and the enterprise for work in the new cultural environment focused on mutually beneficial cooperation.
