BMC Public Health (May 2008)

Suicide among adults aged 30–49: A psychological autopsy study in Hong Kong

  • Chan Sandra SM,
  • Chen Eric YH,
  • Chan Wincy SC,
  • Wong Paul WC,
  • Law YW,
  • Yip Paul SF

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 1
p. 147


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Abstract Background A surge in suicide rates in middle age people in Hong Kong and many Asian countries was recently observed. However, there is a paucity of suicide research on this subgroup of people in Asia. Methods The next-of-kin of 85 suicide cases and 85 community subjects aged 30–49 years were interviewed by a psychological autopsy approach. Information was triangulated by interview notes, coroner's court files, and police investigation reports. Results A multiple logistic regression analysis identified the following risk factors for suicide among the middle age people in Hong Kong: the presence of at least one psychiatric disorder (OR = 37.5, 95% CI 11.5–121.9, p Conclusion The data show that socio-economical factors had a strong impact on suicide in the target group. Further research is needed to explore any positive qualities that protect the middle-aged from suicide. The prevention of suicide in the middle-aged requires multiple strategies.