Studia et Documenta (Mar 2024)
Las primeras convivencias de supernumerarias en España (1952-1957) / The First Supernumerary Courses for Women in Spain (1952-1957)
In October 1952 there were about forty supernumeraries in Spain and on October 31 of that year the first of the weeks of formation commenced. These courses would continue thereafter on a regular basis. In order to attend, these women had to overcome certain obstacles associated with the situation of women in Spain at that time and the prevailing national culture. This article examines the content of the formation that was given in these first courses through to June 1957 and the characteristics that make it possible to assess the extent to which this formation was assimilated. The attentive attitude and good disposition of these women is demonstrated, while they were given a broader, deeper and, above all, more systematic knowledge of the spirit of Opus Dei and, consequently, of the specific aspects involved in the personal commitment they had undertaken. Written sources (the diaries of the workshops and the correspondence available from some supernumeraries and numeraries who looked after them in the centers) and oral sources (interviews with 19 supernumeraries of that time) have been used.