Preventing Chronic Disease (Jul 2004)
How Healthy Are We? A National Study of Well-Being at Midlife (Orville G. Brim, Carol D. Ryff, Ronald C. Kessler, Editors)
Every human being is the author of his own health or disease. Siddhartha Gautama, The Buddha, 563483 BC Many Americans might agree with this statement, but if asked to rate their own physical, mental, and health beliefs, what would their responses be? How would they respond at midlife? How Healthy Are We? A National Study of Well-Being at Midlife answers these questions. In 1990, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation established the Research Network on Successful Midlife Development (MIDMAC), directed by one of the books editors, Orville Brim. The multidisciplinary network was tasked with examining adults aged 40 to 60 as part of the foundations series of studies on midlife development. MIDMAC identified the following goals: Establish specific indicators for a successful midlife. Establish a factual basis for the course of midlife. Identify factors that may influence the course of midlife development. Identify strategies that individuals may use to deal with midlife challenges. MIDMAC developed a national survey known as MIDUS (Midlife Development in the United States) (available at*) to help meet these goals. In How Healthy Are We?, Brim and colleagues present a collection of articles that summarize MIDUS survey findings.