Вісник проблем біології і медицини (Dec 2020)


  • Dychko D. V.,
  • Dychko V. V.,
  • Bobyrev V. E.,
  • Vasilevsky V. S.,
  • Burov V. V.

Journal volume & issue
no. 4
pp. 385 – 388


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Human health is largely determined by the level of physical development and functionality of the body, the foundations of which are laid in childhood. Currently, social and environmental conditions, difficulties in organizing health care have led to an increase in all types of morbidity. Indicators of physical development decrease, the number of children with manifestations of acceleration of development decreases, at each fourth child the posture disturbance is noted. The disability of children is growing. Individuality of physical development and functional state of the body of children (boys and girls) certainly exists, it is the basis of well-known clinicians situations such as “paradoxical” reactions of the body, differences in the clinical picture of the disease at the same dose of infectious agent, abnormal effects in individuals and are referred to by clinicians as “individual features of the reactivity of the organism.” Based on this, in our work we use and present individual indicators of physical development (indicators of anthropometric status, external respiration, physical development and functional status) of the body of children with visual pathology, boys and girls of different ages. The physical condition of a person determines the degree of endo- and exointoxication and immunological reactivity. Therefore, the study of the impact of a new set of rehabilitation measures on immuno-hematological parameters that characterize the overall immunological reactivity of children aged 7-10 years with visual pathology is necessary to address its possible use. The aim of the study was to study the effect of the developed method of physical rehabilitation on the immunological reactivity of the body of children aged 7-10 years with visual pathology. Object and methods of research. Approbation of the complex method of physical rehabilitation carried out at children (31 children) aged 7-10 years of comprehensive special boarding school of I-III degrees № 23 (director Kotlyarov MV) Slavyansk under the control of medical workers of institution who carried out peripheral blood collection for laboratory examination of children on a hematology analyzer of the HB series, which was discussed in the previous section. Carrying out of rehabilitation measures of the method developed by us which is directed on improvement of physical development of these children and improvement of immunological reactivity of an organism of children, aged 7-10 years, with pathology of sight. For the rehabilitation of children with visual pathology of 7-10 years, we used the method of exercise for these children, developed plans based on the sex of deep disorders, and so on. The stage of the study of the use of this method in children with visual pathology 7-10 was found to influence the effects of rehabilitation measures on the immunological reactivity of the organism. First, the definitions summarize the impact on all adolescents with visual pathology, and then separately on boys and girls depending on age. Research results and their discussion. In children aged 7-10 years with visual pathology, who underwent a set of rehabilitation measures, the value of the index of the ratio of agranulocytes and ESR increases by 39.16%, which is evidence of stimulation of adaptive immune activity. This reduces the value of lymphocyte-granulocyte index by 12.20%, which confirms the activation of granulocyte leukocytes – neutrophilic polymorphonuclear leukocytes and eosinophils. Along with this, there is a tendency to decrease (P> 0.05) the index of immunological reactivity – by 10.71%, nonspecific resistance – by 12.20%, lymphocyte-granulocyte index – by 10.21%, the index of the ratio of lymphocytes and monocytes – at 11.49%. These changes in immuno-hematological parameters indicate that the rehabilitation measures in children aged 7-10 years with visual pathology, positively and slowly affect the overall immunological reactivity of the body of children with visual pathology. There is no immuno-hematological indicator that would indicate a negative impact on the physical development of the body and a significant decrease in immunohematological parameters that characterize the functional and immune status of children with visual pathology. Conclusions. Thus, the development of a set of rehabilitation measures for both boys and girls aged 7-10 years with visual pathology, improves immune and hematological parameters that characterize the state of nonspecific anti-infective and specific immune protection (immunological reactivity) of children aged 7-10 years with visual pathology. No changes in immuno-hematological parameters in these children, which could be a contraindication to the use of new sets of rehabilitation measures. Prospects for further research. The main scientific provisions obtained and presented in the article are the basis for studying the impact of measures and tools aimed at improving the state of non-specific anti-infective and specific immune protection (immunological reactivity) of children with visual pathology aged 10-14 years.
