Movimento (Jan 2001)

A incidência de desvios posturais em meninas de 6 a 17 anos da cidade de Novo Hamburgo

  • Cíntia Detsch,
  • Claudia Tarrago Candotti

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 15
pp. 43 – 56


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The objective of this study was to identify the incidence of postural deformity in students. Assessments of static posture, goniometrics and scapular measurements were mada in girls from 6 to 17 years old (n=154). The results indícate that the occurrence of postural deviation is common, specially from 10years old, when also starts to occur i righer percentage of asymmetry between the left and right sides of both the scapular and pelvic girths. The deformities most frequently observed were: anteriorization of the cervical spine (66,23%), protrusion of the shoulders (47,40%), scapular abduction (80,52%), dorsal kyphosis (10,39%), lombar lordosis (31,17%) and kypholordosis (29,22%).