Вісник КНУКіМ: Серія Мистецтвознавство (Aug 2018)
The purpose of the article is to retrace the process of transformation of the meaning of the word “makeup” in various literary sources and artistic practices; to analyze the scientific literature on makeup research in various fields of knowledge and identify unrevealed issues that affect the formation of makeup culture in the 21st century. The research methodology was based on the sources analyzing the process of formation of the concept of makeup. Within this framework, the article provides the analysis of changes in the concept of makeup in the context of socio-cultural processes, revealing and highlighting the source base and scientific-methodological approaches to solving the problem. The scientific novelty of the work. The study revealed that the different periods of development of the concept of makeup had characteristic features and scopes of use. For the first time, the concept of makeup is studied in the context of the requirements of fashion innovations of the 21st century. The article provides the analysis of scientific literature considering the stated problem in the context of the principles and techniques of decorating the human body in various types of art. Conclusions. The analysis of numerous scientific works in the fields of art, philosophy and fashion industry showed that a significant number of works demonstrate the profound interest of authors in the principles and techniques of decorating the human body; an increased focus on the work of the makeup artist in various arts and creative industries is also observed. Nevertheless, these findings do not address the issue of makeup as a form of visual art which exists within the framework of fashion innovations of the 21st century. There has been no art critical, systemic and complex analysis of the artistic-figurative transformations in makeup in the field of fashion.