South Sudan Medical Journal (May 2018)

Case report: The value of early trimester ultrasound scanning: a case of congenital malformation from Kibaha, Tanzania

  • Athanase Lilungulu ,
  • Willy Mwibea ,
  • Mzee Nassoro ,
  • Balthazar Gumodoka

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 2
pp. 47 – 49


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A case report of a mother presenting at 25 weeks pregnancy. An ultrasound scan suggested the size of the foetus to be about 32 weeks with indications of a malformation and hydrops foetalis. A balloon catheter followed by misoprostol given vaginally was used but labour did not progress satisfactorily. A Caesarean Section was carried out and confirmed the congenital abnormalities. The value of early obstetric ultrasonography is discussed.
