Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (Jun 2024)
Correlation of the terms “social order” and “public order”, “social security” and “public safety”
It has been stated that the science of administrative law is faced with the issue of not replacing and/or unifying the terms “social order”, “public order”, “social security”, “public safety”, but rather with their coordination with each other, and as a result, it is proposed to focus on the difference between the adjectives “public” and “social”, which lies in the conditional scope of the concept “social”. Public order applies to an indefinite number of persons and literally knows no boundaries, while social order is limited to a certain number of persons on the basis of certain characteristics or “interests”. It should be borne in mind that the terms “public order” and “public safety” are very broad concepts that include not only administrative offences and public order protection, but also a state (order) in which society is capable of progress and positive development with a minimum of fear that rights will be violated by third parties or due to the occurrence of special conditions. Instead, social order and social security relate primarily to citizens or their individual groups in the state, it is essentially the establishment of the law and order in the country that is necessary to ensure such living conditions for citizens in which they feel inner harmony, have a stable psycho-emotional state and feel safe. In conclusion, it has been noted that the proposed approach to understanding the analysed terms does not introduce an imbalance in the current legislation, and if this approach is used, it becomes possible to further harmonise the norms and approaches of international and national legislation. Moreover, if used, it levels the debate on the tasks of the police, since, while ensuring public order and security, it carries out much broader activities to detect, prevent and suppress administrative offences, which is one of the areas of police work under Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”. Therefore, the terms under study can coexist, provided that the correct approach to their understanding is chosen, without any radicalism, but it is still advisable to clarify the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On National Security”.