BMC Medical Research Methodology (Nov 2018)

Which ICD-9-CM codes should be used for bronchiolitis research?

  • Paul Walsh,
  • Stephen J. Rothenberg

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 1
pp. 1 – 11


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Abstract Background Bronchiolitis is a common respiratory disorder in children. Although there are specific ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes for bronchiolitis, the illness is often coded using broader diagnosis codes. This creates the potential for subject misclassification if researchers rely on specific diagnosis codes when assembling retrospective cohorts. Here we challenge the common research practice of relying on specific diagnosis codes for bronchiolitis. Methods We examined the use of diagnosis codes for the first episode of bronchiolitis, bronchitis, acute asthma, and bronchospasm and wheezing, in children younger than six and 24 months in the State of California Medic-Aid database. We categorized codes as narrow or broad diagnosis codes. We compared patient, geographic, and temporal characteristics of the different diagnoses codes. Results We identified visits from 48,732 children for first episode of wheezing illness. We retained 48,269 who had the diagnosis codes and data of interest. Diagnosis codes for acute asthma were widely used, even in children younger than six months in whom a diagnosis code for bronchiolitis would have been anticipated. The temporal pattern was similar across all diagnoses. Antipyretics were prescribed more often in those with diagnosis codes for bronchiolitis and bronchitis. Other statistically significant differences were too small to usefully distinguish the groups. There was substantial geographic variability in the diagnosis codes selected. Conclusion Users of Medic-Aid administrative data should generally favor broad rather than narrow definitions of bronchiolitis and should perform sensitivity analysis comparing broad and narrow definitions.
