Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports (Aug 2016)

Connection of supreme nervous functioning’s neuro-dynamic characteristics with success of junior sportsmen in sports dances

  • G.V. Korobeynikov,
  • V.V. Myshko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 4


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Purpose: to find peculiar features of neuro-dynamic characteristics of 14-15 years’ age sportsmen in sport dances and their influence on successfulness. Material: we tested 32 qualified dancers of 15-16 years’ age. Results: it was found that high workability and reduced anxiety level of dancers with higher successfulness is accompanied by sympathetic adrenalin system’s activation, resulted from mobilization of organism’s adaptation resources. The presence of nervous processes’ high mobility and increase of quickness of information perception and processing are the keys to success in sport dances. It was proved that success in sport dances is connected with nervous processes’ balance and facilitates higher organization of psycho-motor skills. It is also conditioned by concentration on fulfillment of motor skills, accompanied by reduction of nervous processes’ lability. Conclusions: we found connection between individual-typological characteristics of junior dancers’ high nervous functioning. We also determined that high workability and reduced anxiety of sportsmen with high successfulness is accompanied by sympathetic adrenalin system’s activation, resulted from mobilization of organism’s adaptation resources. It follows form mobilization of organism’s adaptation resources. Increase of accuracy and stability of motor skills’ realization reduces the level of junior dancers’ psycho-motor productivity.
