Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research (Jan 2023)

Cost–effectiveness of cladribine tablets and dimethyl fumarate in the treatment of relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis in Spain

  • Ricardo Ginestal,
  • Carlos Rubio-Terres,
  • Olga Duran Moran,
  • Dario Rubio-Rodriguez,
  • Heidi De Los Santos,
  • Cristina Ordonez,
  • Isabel Sanchez-Magro

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 2


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Aim: To analyze the cost–effectiveness of treatment of relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) with cladribine tablets (CladT) and dimethyl fumarate (DMF) from the perspective of the Spanish National Health System (NHS). Methods: A probabilistic Markov model (second-order Monte Carlo simulation) with a 10-year time horizon and annual Markov cycles was performed. Results: CladT was the dominant treatment, with lower costs (-74,741 € [95% CI: -67,247; -85,661 €]) and greater effectiveness (0.1920 [95% CI: -0.1659; 0.2173] QALY) per patient, compared with DMF. CladT had a 95.1% probability of being costeffective and a 94.1% chance of being dominant compared with DMF. Conclusion: CladT is the dominant treatment (lower costs, with more QALYs) compared with DMF in the treatment of RRMS in Spain.
