Movimento (Jan 2013)

E se os esportistas que se dopam quisessem "fazer direito"?

  • Patrick Trabal

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 4
pp. 11 – 43


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This article is presented as a contribution to the sociology of doping, proposing a new approach. It is about, at first, expressing reservations on the sociology that reduces the practice of doping to individual decisions or to the consequences of games of dominance, to bear the complexity and variability that invite us to take as object the uncertainties of the sportspeople and the collective discussions they have. On the other hand, a methodology coming from the most recent developments of socioinformatics is proposed, in order to analyse 244.417 left by users of discussion lists. this study helps understand the way athletes can doubt, mobilize some resources to raise their uncertainties, argue, deprecate their opponents, especially when they are doctors. The last session presents some suggestions and questions on the possibility of creating a new methodology to capture changes in the practice of doping.