Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia (Jun 2014)
Violencia en el noviazgo: Revisión bibliográfica y bibliométrica
The abusive dynamics during adolescence and early adulthood may foster violence in adult relationships. Hence the priority to develop assessment tools for the early intervention. Our study addresses two objectives: a bibliometric analysis (productivity by year of publication, country, language, source and authorship) and a study of content (creating a system of categories based on the most frequently used keywords, and analyzing the contributions of the most prolific authors) on the literature. We included a total of 1724 articles published between 2000 and 2010 that presented dating violence and/or intimate partner violence among their keyword field. We found an upward trend in yearly productivity; a dominance of U.S as country of publication; English as the language of choice; a high presence of studies focusing on female samples, and a high interest of the most prolific authors for the consequences of the partner violence might have on victims. Results are discussed