Economic Education Analysis Journal (Mar 2018)
The purpose of this research is to know how is the employees comprehension about office work in religion ministry of pekalongan regency office. The sampling technique used in this research is saturated sampling, so the entire population in this research used as a respondent to obtain the required data. Population in this research is all of employees in Religion Ministry of Pekalongan Regency Office. They were 65 people. This research is a quantitative descriptive research. This research used several methods to collecting data. The methods are observation, interview, questionnaire, documentation. This research used index number technique to analyzing data. The result of research shows that avarege of employees comprehension about office work obtained index number of 68,87%. The result means the employees in Religion Ministry of Pekalongan Regency Office have a medium comprehension about office work. That is avowed medium comprehension because some employees have not understood about office work properly. the result of research can be concluded that the employees comprehension about office work is in the medium category and needs to be improve.