RGO: Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia (Nov 2021)
Expression of the of STRO-1 and HSP-25 markers during odontogenesis
ABSTRACT Objective: Therefore, the purpose of the currently study was to analyze the expression of the STRO-1 stem cell marker and the marker related to Hsp25 differentiation and dental development during odontogenesis in rats. Methods: Eighteen-day Wistar rat embryos and 7-day-old animals were analyzed morphologically via Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE) staining and via immunohistochemical marking for Stro-1 and Hsp25 in 5uM serial sections. Results: In the HE morphological analysis in 18-day embryos, the stage of tooth development was in the cap phase, while in the 7-day old animals it was in the bell phase. Conclusion: The expression of STRO-1 in the embryos was not found in the region of the dental papilla or enamel organ, however, in the 7-day-old animals, STRO-1-positive cells were found in the region of the dental follicle and dental papilla. As for the Hsp25, this exhibited weak marking in the cap phase while in the bell phase, there was a reaction, mainly in the odontoblasts. The expressions in the site of these markers vary according to the stage of tooth development.