MATEC Web of Conferences (Jan 2020)
Yearly Cost Saving by Using Enthalpy Heat Exchanger During Cooling and Heating
Fresh air has to be constantly supplied to the building by air handling unit, where supplied air is mixed with inside air and optimal temperature, oxygen level is adjusted and level of dust and smoke is reduced. Supply air demand of the building is determined according to number of persons in the room, room area and regulations. Necessity of ventilation rely in supplying room with oxygen, cleaning the air, adjusting temperature and moisture and reduction of odours, gases, dust, bacteria and viruses. Achieving optimal properties of supply air creates huge portion of building energy consumption. To save energy during ventilation, standard air to air sensible heat exchangers are used. They purpose is to recover sensible heat from exhaust air and at the same time avoid contamination of supply air. Drawback of these types of exchangers is limit of recovering moisture, therefore huge portion of energy in form of latent heat is lost. On top of classical plate air to air heat exchanger, enthalpy heat exchanger allows to exchange latent as well as sensible heat [1].