Política e Gestão Educacional (Mar 2021)
Peculiarities and stages of Higher School teacher formation
The article discusses the issues of improving the professionalism of a higher education teacher; it also describes activities designed to improve the quality of the educational process, and the role of the leadership of an educational organization in the formation of a teacher. Initial knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities are formed by the teacher in the process of his or her professional activity and during the part of his or her life that precedes work in an educational institution. Professional qualities actively develop only with the beginning of teaching activities. The development of the initiative and the creative search in the work of a teacher is of particular relevance, because improving the quality of training cannot be achieved by simply increasing the working time of teachers and the study time of students. New teaching methods and new techniques for developing the students' creative activity are needed, which would allow them to achieve high results. Moreover, the state’s policy should include real material and moral support for a creatively working teacher of an educational institution, including teachers at higher schools.