Al-Ta'rib (Jul 2023)
The Model of Kitab Mutammimah Al-Ajurumiyyah Card Series Development Based on Mind Mapping for Student’s Grammar Learning | Namuudzaj Tathwiir Silsilah Al-Bithaaqaat Li-Kitaab Mutammimah Al-Ajurumiyyah 'Ala Asaas Al-Khariithah Al-Dzihniyyah Li-Ta'liim Al-Qawaa'id Al-Nahwiyyah lil-Thullaab
The use of Arabic learning media in Salafiyah Islamic boarding schools in Balangan Regency is considered infrequent, causing the necessity to develop learning media to be accepted and used. This research aims to create a model of a mind mapping-based card series of Kitab Mutammimah al-Ajurumiyyah for students' grammar learning at Salafiyah Islamic boarding schools. This development research using the ADDIE model comprises potential analysis, product design, product development, field implementation, and evaluation. According to the results of teachers’ and students’ feasibility assessment questionnaires, this medium is valid. Regarding the characteristics, this medium is inexpensive, easy to use by teachers and students, and easy to carry everywhere. It also has an attractive design and multi-functional color. The material is easy to understand and presented in line with the curriculum, learning objectives, and book used. In addition, concepts and examples are connected, and sequential is unnecessary so that the teachers can explain the learning materials concisely. It facilitates the students to understand and remember the lesson, making them more enthusiastic and diligent in learning and remembering the lesson. The results of this research can be used as a reference in developing media for learning Arabic in Salafiyah Islamic boarding schools.