Frontiers in Neurorobotics (Oct 2020)
Development of a Shoulder Disarticulation Prosthesis System Intuitively Controlled With the Trunk Surface Electromyogram
We developed an intuitively operational shoulder disarticulation prosthesis system that can be used without long-term training. The developed system consisted of four degrees of freedom joints, as well as a user adapting control system based on a machine learning technique and surface electromyogram (EMG) of the trunk. We measured the surface EMG of the trunk of healthy subjects at multiple points and analyzed through principal component analysis to identify the proper EMG measurement portion of the trunk, which was determined to be distributed in the chest and back. Additionally, evaluation experiments demonstrated the capability of four healthy subjects to grasp and move objects in the horizontal as well as the vertical directions, using our developed system controlled via the EMG of the chest and back. Moreover, we also quantitatively confirmed the ability of a bilateral shoulder disarticulation amputee to complete the evaluation experiment similar to healthy subjects.