IVES Technical Reviews (Feb 2021)

Grapevine berry shrivelling, water loss and cell death: an increasing challenge for growers in the context of climate change

  • Alain Deloire,
  • Suzy Rogiers,
  • Katja Šuklje,
  • Guillaume Antalick,
  • Xiao Zeyu,
  • Anne Pellegrino



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Late ripening berry dehydration is an important phenomenon that occurs through grape berry water loss due to the alteration of the fruit water budget when transpiration and potential water back flow to the plant exceed the import of water into the berry through the phloem and xylem. Berry shrivelling can have a significant economic impact, reducing yields by ≥25 % with consequences on berry composition and the resulting wine. Its occurrence and consequences are expected to increase due to predicted climate change, shifting grape development and ripening into warmer periods (i.e., heat waves and drought events).