Investigações em Ensino de Ciências (Apr 2018)
Using the conceptual profile of substance to plan teaching and to analyze learning process
This study aimed to analyze the emergence of zones of the conceptual profile of substance and the process of conceptualization experienced by students when involved in different activities. Methodology was structured in two steps: planning and design of a teaching learning sequence using ideas proposed by Mehéut (2005) and zones of the conceptual profile of substance proposed by Silva and Amaral (2013); and application and analysis of the activities experienced along the sequence. Three lessons were videotaped (4h) and transcribed for analysis; also, we applied a questionnaire for all students and interviewed two of them. The results showed that four from five zones of the conceptual profile of substance emerged throughout the classes and in responses for the questionnaire – generalist, utilitarist/pragmatic, substancialist, rationalist – ideas related to the relational zone did not emerge in the classes. The didactic activities promoted oscillations in the student’s ways of speaking on substance, and it seemed to characterize the process of conceptualization experienced by them. This showed a relevant aspect for teaching practice: importance of the teacher being aware of zones of the conceptual profile of the concept focused in teaching, considering their important role, not only in planning, but also in mediating and leading the discussions in lessons.