Vestnik Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriâ 2. Âzykoznanie (Nov 2015)
Substantive Linguistic Means of Expressing Kinship in the Lexicon of Dialect Speakers (Based on Speech of Residents From Multi-Ethnic Areas of Volgograd Region)
The substantives that nominate different types of kinships (by blood and inlaw relations) are characterised in the article as a part of dialect speaker lexicon. In the focus of attention there stand lexical-dialectal speech peculiarities of the residents of multi-ethnic areas of Volgograd Region that are analyzed on the basis of the field approach. The author chooses four linguistic criteria (paradigmatic, syntagmatic, epidigmatic, and functional) and reconstructs the constituency structure of every segment of the functional and semantic field “Family and kin relations”. The linguistic units of the field under study are distributed among the core and periphery zones. The analysis results contributed to distinguishing sub-standard and occasional language means, identifying their mixed character and presenting markers of allocating word exponents to the core, pre-core, close and far periphery zones. The language means of nominating kinships have been described in their relation to word-building and formbuilding patterns, valency, formal and semantic relations, connotations, frequency of the occurrence. The results of the studies demonstrate fusion of elements from various languages and dialects in the lexicon of a dialect speaker. Intralingual and interlingual lexical parallels – full / partial equivalents in the speech of the dialect speakers – have been identified. It has been stated that the words characterizing blood kinship constitute the core zone, they point to primary and secondary, up and down-rising family lines; the semi-nuclear zone includes property nominating constituents, the terms of in-law relations, which describe groups of people by their marriage relations, the far periphery has nouns with relation to the Christian baptismal service.