Saudi Dental Journal (Dec 2021)
Analysis of mandible trabecular structure using digital periapical radiographs to assess low bone quality in postmenopausal women
Purpose: To analyze the quality of mandibular trabecular structure in postmenopausal women using periapical radiographs. Postmenopausal women are subjected to low bone quality; hence, early detection methods are needed. In addition to bone mineral density (BMD), trabecular architecture must be assessed to determine bone quality. The mandible represents bone quality and allows the assessment of trabecular structure from periapical radiographs. Material and Methods: Lumbar (BMDL) and femoral BMD (BMDF) examinations were performed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in 31 postmenopausal women and divided into normal, osteopenia, and osteoporotic groups. Periapical radiographs were taken at both posterior sites of the mandible. The region of interest was taken 2 mm from the apical root of the first molar. Trabecular parameters consisting of trabecular thickness (Tb.Th) and bone percentage (BA/TA) were measured using BoneJ. Results: Both trabecular parameters were significantly correlated with BMDF [BA/TA (r = 0.3796; p 0.05). Conclusion: Changes in mandibular trabeculae structure in postmenopausal women can be assessed using periapical radiographs.