Synthesis of Small Peptide Nanogels Using Radiation Crosslinking as a Platform for Nano-Imaging Agents for Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis
Atsushi Kimura,
Tadashi Arai,
Miho Ueno,
Kotaro Oyama,
Hao Yu,
Shinichi Yamashita,
Yudai Otome,
Mitsumasa Taguchi
Atsushi Kimura
Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute (TARRI), National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), 1233 Watanuki-Machi, Takasaki 370-1207, Gunma, Japan
Tadashi Arai
Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute (TARRI), National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), 1233 Watanuki-Machi, Takasaki 370-1207, Gunma, Japan
Miho Ueno
Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute (TARRI), National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), 1233 Watanuki-Machi, Takasaki 370-1207, Gunma, Japan
Kotaro Oyama
Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute (TARRI), National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), 1233 Watanuki-Machi, Takasaki 370-1207, Gunma, Japan
Hao Yu
Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute (TARRI), National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), 1233 Watanuki-Machi, Takasaki 370-1207, Gunma, Japan
Shinichi Yamashita
Nuclear Professional School, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 2-22 Shirakata-Shirane, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun 319-1188, Ibaraki, Japan
Yudai Otome
Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute (TARRI), National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), 1233 Watanuki-Machi, Takasaki 370-1207, Gunma, Japan
Mitsumasa Taguchi
Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute (TARRI), National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), 1233 Watanuki-Machi, Takasaki 370-1207, Gunma, Japan
Nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems (DDS) have been developed as effective diagnostic and low-dose imaging agents. Nano-imaging agents with particles greater than 100 nm are difficult to accumulate in pancreatic cancer cells, making high-intensity imaging of pancreatic cancer challenging. Peptides composed of histidine and glycine were designed and synthesized. Additionally, aqueous peptide solutions were irradiated with γ-rays to produce peptide nanogels with an average size of 25–53 nm. The mechanisms underlying radiation-mediated peptide crosslinking were investigated by simulating peptide particle formation based on rate constants. The rate constants for reactions between peptides and reactive species produced by water radiolysis were measured using pulse radiolysis. HGGGHGGGH (H9, H—histidine; G—glycine) particles exhibited a smaller size, as well as high formation yield, stability, and biodegradability. These particles were labeled with fluorescent dye to change their negative surface potential and enhance their accumulation in pancreatic cancer cells. Fluorescent-labeled H9 particles accumulated in PANC1 human pancreatic cancer cells, demonstrating that these particles are effective nano-imaging agents for intractable cancers.