Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan (Jun 2013)


  • Partono Thomas

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 1
pp. 55 – 71


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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produktivitas sekolah SMKN bisnis manajemen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Ukuran sampel sebanyak 200, dipilih dengan teknik proportional random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode angket wawancara dan doku-mentasi. Analisis data dengan permodelan persamaan struktural (structural equation modeling, SEM). Hasil penelitian me-nunjukkan bahwa produktivitas sekolah untuk SMKN bisnis manajemen dipengaruhi oleh mutu proses, kompetensi guru, budaya organisasi sekolah, pembiayaan pendidikan, kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan peran komite sekolah. Pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap produktivitas sekolah sebesar 73% sisanya 27% di-pengaruhi faktor lain di luar model. Variabel dominan yang mem-pengaruhi produktivitas SMKN bisnis manajemen adalah mutu proses.Kata kunci: produktivitas SMK business-management, mutu proses, kompetensi guru, budaya organisasi sekolah, pembiayaan, kepemimpinan, komite sekolah ______________________________________________________________ THE DETERMINANT FACTORS OF SCHOOLS’S PRODUCTIVITY Abstract The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that affect school productivity in SMKN of Business and Management. The sample consisted of 200 teachers selected using proportional random sampling technique. Questionnaire, interviews and documentation methods are used for collecting data. For analyzing the data, the research used structural equation modeling (SEM). Findings of this research show that School Productivity in SMKN of business-management field is influenced by the process quality, teachers’ competencies, school organizational culture, education financial, leadership and the role of the school committee. Impact of independent variables on the school productivity was 73%, while 27 % or the rest is influenced by other factors. The dominance variable that influences the productivity is the quality process.Keywords: productivity in SMK of business-management, quality processes, competence of teachers, organizational culture of schools, financing, leadership and school committees