Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (Jan 2020)
The Islamic Moderation Values on the Islamic Education Curriculum in Indonesia: A Content Analysis
The discourse of Islamic moderation in Indonesia is re-emerging as the phenomenon of radical religious understanding emerges. This study aims to analyze the values of Islamic moderation in the curriculum of Education in Indonesia through the textbooks of Pendidikan Agama Islam and Budi Pekerti taught at the Senior High School level (SMA). The method used is content analysis. The results showed that the concept of Islamic moderation was not explicitly mentioned, but reflected in a material whose substance contained the values of Islamic moderation, namely the values of tolerance, democracy, simplicity, justice, and harmony. The mainstreaming of Islamic moderation values in the education curriculum in Indonesia has become very important because of the emergence of concerns about strengthening extremist, intolerant and radicalism-terrorism movements in several educational institutions.