Radiography Open (Dec 2020)
Jämförelse av CKD-EPI och MDRD ekvationsformler för estimerad glomerulär filtrationshastighet.
Introduction: In the profession as radiology nurse contrast media is used daily in radiologic examinations. In order to determine the volume of contrast media that patients should be administered and to prevent contrast-induced nephropathy equation formulas are applied to calculate the kidney function glomerular filtration rate. Two formulas were compared the CKD-EPI and MDRD. The aim was to compare which of the two most commonly used equation formulas is the most optimal for calculating estimated GFR. Methods: This study was conducted as a literature study, where 11 articles were quality assessed and compiled. Results: The CKD-EPI formula generally showed better performance for estimating GFR in accuracy, precision and bias than the MDRD formula. However, both equation formulas present inadequacies and are not universal as they are not applicable to all individuals. Conclusions: At the moment the CKD-EPI formula appears to be the most applicable, although more research is required in order to develop equation formulas which cater to all types of patients.