AM: Art + Media (Dec 2012)
Politička mreža: relacije moći i strategije otpora / Political Network: Rethinking Power Relations and Disobidience Strategies on The Internet
From the nineteenth century theoreticians have noticed a historical shift from the disciplinary society to a society of control. While disciplinary societies practiced control with vast spaces of enclosure, societies of control discipline with a certain form of self-correcting. At the end of the twentieth century when theoretical discourse is saturated with terms like liberal capitalism and technological utopia some media theoreticians conclude the shift in control societies from physical to virtual reality (Deleuze, Galloway). If we acknowledge the position that conflict is the main constituting factor in society, deciding the shift in power relations (Foucault) and forming a biopolitical subject, we can analyze these shifts (often produced by civil disobedience) in virtual space.