Medisan (Sep 2017)

DSc. José Miguel Gonzalo Goderich Lalán: a paradigm of general surgery

  • Ana María Nazario Dolz,
  • Laides Luna Vázquez,
  • Estrella González Peña

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 9


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Significant life and work aspects of the outstanding medical sciences doctor José Miguel Goderich Lalán are mentioned in this work; specialist in first and second degrees in general surgery, Merit Professor and Qualified Investigator of the University of Medical Sciences in Santiago de Cuba. During several years he was President of the Cuban Society of Surgery and his achievements in assistance, teaching and investigation determined a scientific hallmark in this branch of knowledge, mainly in the thematic of incisional and inguinal hernias, reason why he has become reference for many professors and investigators of the world.
