Journal of Research Development in Nursing and Midwifery (Apr 2013)

The Effect of Injection Duration of Subcutaneous Enoxaparin Sodium on Pain ‌intensity and Bruising of Injection Site

  • Hossein Rahmani Anaraki,
  • Mehri Farhan Ranjbar,
  • Ali Akbar Abdollahi,
  • Naser BehnamPour

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 1
pp. 10 – 16


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Background and Objective: Injection of subcutaneous low molecular weight heparin often causes some local reactions such as ­bruising, hematoma­, and pain, directly related to inappropriate injection method­. This study aimed at determining the effect of injection duration of­ Subcutaneous Enoxaparin Sodium on the size of bruising and the severity of injection pain. Material and Methods: This experimental study was conducted on 36 patients medicated by subcutaneous Enoxaparin Sodium (60mg). ­­They were randomly divided into two groups.­ The first group received routine method of subcutaneous anoxaparine injection (10 second duration injection technique) and in the second group in addition to routine method, ­“10 second waits” before removing needle was performed. Data collection was carried out by using a researcher-made check-list consisting of a section for demographic data and a section to record the extent o f bruising and pain intensity.­ The Extent of bruising was measured by using a clear flexible ruler within 24, ­ 48 and 72 hours and pain intensity by visual analog scale (VAS) ,immediately after injection­.­­We analyzed the Data by independent T test and Chi square. Results: ­ The ­Results indicate ­­that­ the mean ­of pain intensity in second group (­3.05 ± 1.71­)­ is less than first group (­3.86 ± 2.75­)­.­There is no significant difference between two groups for the extent of bruising in 24, ­ 48 and 72 hours (P>0.05). Conclusion: with regard to ­pain intensity and the size­ of the bruising, the two groups are not significantly different.
