Restauro Archeologico (Dec 2015)
Developing the pattern of ancient city of Tauric Chersonese valorisation: risks, values, identity
The ancient city of Tauric Chersonese is a significant ensemble of monuments included into the UNESCO world heritage list. The complexity of the site is represented by the diversity of its cultural, social, historical and religious meanings. Those meanings give the three types of values: archaeological, religious and touristic. These three relevancies present the ancient city of Tauric Chersonese as an important pattern of archaeological area that required a special attention, considering the three values in their specific character and, in the same time, in their concert. It is very important to create a pattern for valorisation and appreciation for this important place. As professionals, we must insist on the preservation and moreover, on the development of all the above-mentioned values. If we underline only one of the values, if we conserve only one of them, the monument will not be complete anymore and will therefore lose its authenticity. In this article the authors attempt to investigate the issues related to Tauric Chersonese and the possible benefits that could be gained though a suitable valorisation pattern.