Cybergeo (Jan 2024)

Le cartogramme par points

  • Françoise Bahoken,
  • Nicolas Lambert



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Dot maps are a type of representation of absolute and aggregated population quantities presented in a disaggregated form, with a planimetric/geometric and graphic point layout. While several such maps are developed, the proposed Dot Cartogram (also known as le cartogramme par points in french) is a new map belonging to the graphic cartograms and resulting from the articulation between three Dot Map: the Proportional Dot Map, the Dot Density Map (Montizon, 1830) and the Dorling’ circular cartogram of population (Dorling, 1996). The Dot Cartogram renews the cartographic image of the Dotmap in two directions: firstly, in terms of the perceived patterns, which is likely to vary according to several parameters; secondly, the steps to which it is subject. Our introduction of the Dot Cartogram is carried out on different static or interactive, executable and reproducible media. Its definition is complete by an application achieved on two data sets examined in parallel: population data and the gross domestic product of the countries of the world, both observed from 1950 to 2018.
