中西医结合护理 (Oct 2021)
Perioperative nursing care of an elderly patient with surgical wound infections after surgery for multiple fractures (1例老年多发性骨折术后伤口感染患者的围手术期护理)
This paper summarized the nursing management of an elderly patient with surgical wound infections after surgery for multiple fractures. Nursing measures included medical evaluation on illness condition, prevention of deep vein thrombosis, pain control, catheter maintenance, prevention and treatment on wound infections, nutritional guidance, functional exercise, psychological interventions and so on. Based on the analysis of physical and psychological characteristics of the patient, targeted nursing manage were carried out to enhance the patient treatment compliance and improve the rehabilitation after surgery. (本文总结1例老年多发性骨折术后伤口感染患者的护理要点, 包括病情观察、深静脉血栓形成(DVT)护理、疼痛护理、管路管理、伤口感染护理、饮食指导、功能锻炼、心理干预等, 根据患者个体化情况实施针对性干预, 促使患者积极配合治疗和护理, 加速其术后康复。)