Prostranstvennaâ Èkonomika (Jul 2019)
‘Program’ Economy: The Far East
The latest document declaring the goals, tasks, and ways of the Far Eastern development is the adopted in 2013 State program of the development of the Far East and Transbaikal in 2014–2025 (the Program). This creates the necessity of analyzing preliminary results of the Program. Despite the introduction of institutional and management innovations, the past period of implementation showed the inability of achieving the declared quantitative indicators of economic and social nature. The article analyses the possibility of overcoming negative expectation of economic agents and households of the Far East through refusal to prolong the Program and replacing it with a new national program of developing the Far Eastern macro-region based on the strategy of spatial development of the Russian Federation until 2035. There are two potential formal reasons for correcting the Program itself: first, the changes to territorial composition of 11 Russian subjects realized in 2018, second, increasing planning period from 12 to 22 years. When comparing the parameters of the acting Program and the planned national program the main difference appears to be a significant decrease of the number and unambiguity of reference points. The national program has to answer the question of what (and how and with which money) needs to be done to create a system that provides every person with good employment, decent wages, comfortable and secure environment, support and protection of their business, quality education for their children, efficient healthcare, and to provide the launch and self-functioning of this system