Лечащий Врач (Sep 2021)
Complex treatment of acute respiratory viral infections with bacterial exacerbation in preschool children
The article presents the results of a prospective comparative clinical study of the efficacy and safety of rectal suppositories containing recombinant interferon alfa-2b in combination with antioxidants vitamins E and C in the complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) with moderate and severe course with bacterial complications (pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media, pharyngotonsillitis). The research examined 60 children at the age of 1 month to 6 years from II-IV health status groups, which were hospitalized not later than 3 days after coming down with ARVI (80% of patients) or 5-6 days after coming down with ARVI (20% of patients). 68,3% of patients came with lower respiratory tract impairment; the ARVI-associated community-acquired pneumonia in half the cases (55,6% and 66,6%, respectively) proceeded with bronchial obstruction syndrome. Results: the therapeutic efficacy of recombinant interferon alfa-2b in combination with antioxidants E and C 150 000 ME administration 2 times a day with an interval of 12 hours for 5 days, with underlying routine treatment of primary disease in children with bacterial exacerbation of ARVI, manifested itself in significant difference in bronchial obstruction syndrome indicator starting from the 1st day of treatment, and in significant decrease of cough syndrome and main clinical syndromes total score by the 4th day of treatment, compared to the group of patients treated with a standard ARVI therapy. Due to the fact that the average duration of ARVI disease with complications was 8 bed days (7,80 + 2,37 bed days and 8,77 + 2,60, respectively), the presence of significantly better results in the group of patients who used recombinant interferon alpha-2b in combination with antioxidants vitamins E and C shows the effectiveness of this treatment regimen.